Trained leaders are always listed among the top five felt needs in the nations according to the manual of world prayer, Operation World. Our focus is to train leaders in the gateway nations with the greatest access to unreached peoples.
Gateway Center for World Mission has a distinct philosophy of ministry ~ we do not seek to replicate “Gateway” programs or materials with a foreign face. We labor to help train and resource indigenous leaders. These leaders are called by God. We are sent to help them. We work to equip them, Biblically, to fulfill the vision the Spirit has set before them in the way they are called to do it and with the means He has given them.
Our Core Values are:
Lordship of Jesus: Jesus said, “Search the Scriptures; for in them you think you have eternal life and they are they which testify of me,” Jn 5:39. Everything we do has to be in line with the Word and reflect Jesus-his nature, his character-and bring glory to him. We replicate who we are and impart Christ’s likeness in all we do by the grace of God and through the power of his spirit.
Transparency is key: In relationships with both God and man, in ministry, and finances, both personal and corporate. The enemy loves to dwell in hidden areas and use things hidden to bring confusion, destruction, division, and ultimately wounding, which brings separation to God’s people and ineffectiveness to all he has called them to do. The Gateway Center for World Mission holds transparency as a key weapon against the enemy and provides room for dialog and clarity in areas of both life and ministry that could bring conflict.
Integrity: Everything we do is to be done with integrity to be both fruitful and reflect the character of the Lord.
Establishing the Kingdom of God: The Kingdom of God reflects a transformation in all areas of life. While the focus of the Gateway Center is primarily in the areas of discipleship and mission, we recognize that communities must be able to stand on their own to fulfill their role in taking the Gospel to all nations.
Focusing the Gateway peoples who target the unreached — that is areas with no established evangelical witness: The ultimate focus is to reach those who have never had the opportunity to clearly hear the Gospel. However, in order to establish a sustained missionary movement, the Gateway Center concentrates on national churches that have access and ability to go into peoples not open to the American or Western church.
Training and equipping national church leaders and missionaries Paul writes to Timothy, “And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others” (2 Tim 2:2, ESV). The key to developing a healthy mission movement that is not critically dependent on foreign funding or personnel is to plant God’s missionary vision in key leaders and equip them to replicate the Lord’s mission fire and sound Biblical training in others who will do the same.
Making resources available to others: To accelerate the fulfillment of the Great Commission we make available resources that we have developed. These are focused on strategic planning, leadership training, and resource deployment opportunities and are targeted towards national church leaders and other ministries involved in developing missionaries to the unreached peoples.
Being dynamic: We are open to new technologies and methodologies that will improve our capabilities to improve communication and to serve, equip and send missionaries.
Maintaining a team spirit: We are a mission community, and we recognize the need for working together in harmony to see our vision fulfilled. That harmony includes various aspects, such as laying aside selfish interests, developing and encouraging the use of individual talents and gifts, tolerance of differing opinions, encouraging, exhorting, and defending one another, helping each other to succeed, and promoting good relationships based on accountability.
Accountability (personal, ministerial, financial): God has ordained lines of authority in the family, work, church, and government settings. In maintaining integrity and a life that is above reproach, we stress accountability to God, to those in leadership over us, and to our fellow man. Accountability is seen in a relationship as protection, a way of equipping, and as mutually beneficial.
Striving for excellence in everything we do: The honor and dignity of God are reflected through how we do what we do. We seek to honor Him by doing all things well.